Dear Customer, We are very excited that you have obtained one of a kind floors for your home or business. We hope you may enjoy them for years to come by keeping the floors in their original shape. Please read the Warranty instructions that follow. Your warranty could be voided if the floors are not maintained properly.
European Wood Company hardwood floors arrive pre-saturated with hard-wax oil from the factory prior to installation and should not require oiling on site. We recommend applying maintenance oil on an annual basis and using a hard-wax safe soap solution for general cleaning after installation.
Safe soap solutions include: Ciranova ®Flooring Soap or WOCA® Natural Soap.
Cleaning products that contain polyurethane or aluminum-oxide are not approved for use on European Wood Company hardwood floors. Severe damage will occur to the vital waxes and oils in your floor if products using alcohol or acetone or any other chemical are administered. All European Wood Company hardwood floors are naturally oiled with hard-wax oil. USE CLEANING PRODUCTS SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR OILED WOOD FLOORING ONLY. Polyurethane forms a harder film which tends to de-laminate if subjected to heat or shock, fracturing the film and leaving white patches. This tendency increases when it is applied over softer woods.
Daily Cleaning:
To keep your floor free of sand, dirt, and grit, vacuum or sweep daily. Accumulated dirt or grit can scratch the floor’s surface. When vacuuming avoid scratching or damaging the floor by using a vacuum without beater bars, or turn the beater brush. Use a soft brush or an attachment specific for hardwood floors.
Weekly / Monthly Cleaning:
Deep cleaning with a wet-mop is not recommended, as pooling or standing water may damage the surface of the hard-wax floor. Use a damp sponge, cloth, traditional mop, or Dust-type mop attachment, and ensure that no excess moisture is left on the floor. Hard-wax safe cleaning solutions such as Ciranova® Flooring Soap or WOCA® Natural Soap are recommended. After cleaning is complete, allow the floor 30 minutes or more to dry before walking on them.
Annual Maintenance and Conditioning:
To moisturize and condition your floors, apply a maintenance oil annually. If you are in a dry climate, or if your floor stands heavy traffic, you may need to apply oil semi-annually or quarterly to maintain the look and durability of the surface. Properly applied oil will condition, protect and restore the floor surface finish. If spot cleaning or maintenance of high traffic areas is needed, you may apply oil to a portion of the floor without oiling the entire surface. This should not alter the color of the floor. During annual oiling, rub oil evenly over the entire surface and allow up to twelve (12) hours to dry completely. We recommend using Ciranova® Maintenance Oil or WOCA® Maintenance Oil.
Spots or Stains: Lightly applied maintenance oil can help to remove stubborn stains or spots. Rub a small amount of oil into the stain with a cloth to test. If the stain is not removed with light oiling, you may need to use a non-abrasive pad and rub the non-abrasive pad gently into the affected area. Continue rubbing the oil into the wood, following the direction of the grain to restore the surface area.
WARNING: Use a non-abrasive pad and ruby gently, as the color may be lifted from the surface of white oiled floors, if scrubbed aggressively.